Post by leblanc on Dec 12, 2009 0:41:05 GMT -5
The time had finally come for him to tell Dominique who had done this to him. He began hesitantly. " Okay, i'm going to tell you who it was. But i want to make it perfectly clear that i want you to stay the hell away from him, or anyone in his family. And as soon as i find out who made him, you need to keep away from them too. I don't want you in danger, and i need you to know that just by you finding out who did it to my, you might be a target. Especially if his maker is mad that he made me." He took a brief pause. His voice was grave, his face dark and tilted just so that shadows made it look eerie. "The guy who did this to me was... Beryx Silvasi." Anton looked down at the ground, ashamed more than ever that he let some stupid kid affect him. Embarrassed that some 5th year gryffindor had bested a 7th year Slytherin. "I need your word that you will not go after him, and if he comes to you, you need to promise me that you will get to me as fast as possible. Understand?" The pain he now felt for Dom's safety was immense. He just hoped that things would stay hush hush until he was sure that he could do something to improve her safety.
Anton then put his arm around her. Despite how much he wanted blood, how much he wanted to just bite into Dom's flesh and taste human blood once more, he was able to refrain. He was sure that, however, as soon as he went into hunting mode, anything that crossed his path was a goner. And what Dom had said was true. He needed to leave soon, otherwise he wouldn't be able to. And she sure couldn't come along. That wasn't something he wanted her to witness, plus what if she became a target? Bad idea...
“Will you stop apologizing? And if you are worried about your cold lips. I will have to get used to them anyways.”
"Sorry," he said with a grin. "And the cold lips was only part of it. We just have to be careful, mainly i do, when we're together. I don't want this for you..." He trailed off, beginning to think that maybe she deserved someone better. Someone who was going to grow old and die with her. Someone, who didn't bring danger with them. That's not what he wanted, and he hoped, almost knew, that it wasn't what she wanted either. Man were his emotions out of whack.
“I don’t want you to leave me too. But you haven’t eaten in a few days. And I don’t want you stuck in this dungeon.”
Anton pulled her closer, knowing that soon enough he would have to leave and go out to the forest to find something to "drink." He dreaded the thought. "I know i haven't eaten in a few days, but i haven't been with you in longer. And now that you smell so much better," he was grinning widely, "i don't want to be anywhere else." Maybe she could go with him, at least keep him company until he found something. No, it was a bad idea, and he hoped that she wouldn't suggest it, because he wouldn't be able to deny her...
Word Count: 592 Tagged: Dom Notes: None Music: None
Post by meme on Dec 12, 2009 1:01:11 GMT -5
Okay so she knew Anton would have rules to go along with it. There had to be some. He was very protective over her and well she would have to abide by those rules. His rules were the only rules she would not break. Any other rules she broke but not his. Dom wanted to keep him around and breaking the rules wouldn’t be a good start. “I promise. I will not go near him or his family.” She told him her voice very serious. She wanted to show him that he could trust her with everything. And that she would not go near his creator. Yet she knew one day she would probably meet him. Accident or not. “I know you will not be far away if we run into each other.” Beryx Silvasi. Weird name and one that she would definitely remember. If she ever crossed this boy’s path she was going to bitch him out before Anton came along. Because she knew Anton would probably be right behind her.
With his arm around her she just snuggled closer to him. There probably not much more room to get closer yet she was trying. She had missed him so much and now she wasn’t going to leave his side. She laughed yet again when he apologized and hit his stomach lightly. “I do not mind the cold lips.” She told him smiling and putting her head on his shoulder. This was perfect for her. She wouldn’t rather be anywhere else but here with Anton. Actually any place with Anton was fine by her. As long as he was there it was absolutely fine. Nothing seemed wrong with him there and it wasn’t bothering her that he was a vampire. She wished he trusted himself a bit more but that would come with time. “Well just because you have to be careful doesn’t mean I have to be.” She said smirking up at him.
Laughter rose from her throat hearing him comment on how she smelled. It wasn’t a loud laughter but she didn’t hold it back this time. “I’ve missed you too. But if I want you conscious you have to eat.” She told him giving him a kiss on the cheek then standing up. She went and reached for his hand trying to tug him up to stand. Dom knew that was having no affect but tried anyways. “C’mon you big baby. We are going to go get you something to eat. Or I will just have to go into the forest and find something.” She said knowing he would never allow her to walk out there alone. Probably not anywhere alone anymore.
Post by leblanc on Dec 12, 2009 1:50:31 GMT -5
“C’mon you big baby. We are going to go get you something to eat. Or I will just have to go into the forest and find something.”
Anton couldn't help but laugh. He knew that she was going to be beside him no matter what. And his entire outlook changed. It was now positive and his thoughts weren't bogged down with negativity and a "whoa is me" attitude. He stood up with some difficulty, but was walking soon. He took her hand and led her up to the front doors of the castle. Since they were both prefects, curfew wouldn't be a problem. "I'd like to see you try to get me something," he said grinning. One thought still resided in the back of his mind. Was he going to let Dom watch him feed?
He continued to walk hand in hand with Miss Dominique Weasley. Anton was sure that it was a funny site. Him with shredded clothes, walking outside in the snow with a girl that looked fairly put together. It still felt right though. Soon enough, they were both at the mouth of the Forbidden Forest. It was time for some food. "Dom, i don't know if you want to come with..." He said it sort of hesitantly. It was going to be gruesome, after all, the thirst had come back to the forefront of his mind since he was so close to that many food sources.
As he waited for her response, he zeroed in on one animal in particular. It was a wild deer, off in the distance. He could hear its footsteps as if it was right next to him. Wind blew the scent towards him and he lifted his head in the direction that it lay. He took a long sniff, then his pupils dilated. Every beating heart was heard perfectly and it sounded like a stampede. One heart however he forced out of his mind, shut out of his ears, and that was Dom's. Even in the frenzy he was going into, there was no way that he would go after her. Before he even had the chance to hear what she had to say about watching, Anton was off, towards the deer. He was there shortly and pouncing on it. He sank his teeth into the neck and began to drink. It was so refreshing, barely explainable. Once the first drop landed on his tongue, Anton couldn't stop and the deer was drained of all the blood. His thirst wasn't fully satisfied and he took off towards another source that smelled very appetizing.
He soon broke through the edge of the forest and at a full sprint, headed straight towards the heartbeat. It wasn't until he had the thing on the ground, did he realize that it was Dom. He was just about to bite down, when he threw himself off of her and back into the edge of the forest. "I...." His voice was barely audible as the breeze picked up. He hated himself so much for what he just did. He didn't want to be around for Dom's reaction. He quickly wiped the blood off of the area around his mouth.
Word Count: 555 Tagged: Dom Notes: None Music: None
Post by meme on Dec 12, 2009 2:20:51 GMT -5
See Dominique knew him well enough that he would follow her. And he actually took charge leading them to the forest. No one would think anything was amiss since they were both Prefects. People would probably just be shocked that these two were dating each other. She didn’t know if many people knew about them or just a few. It didn’t even matter to her. Dom would be able to tell the whole school and be fine with it or tell no one at all. “I don’t think I would be able to catch anything. Not even a squirrel. And I don’t think some bug would do.” She said laughing. Yeah she wasn’t a good hunter. Maybe she used to be with guys but she already had Anton. Didn’t need anyone else.
Before Dom could even get her response out he was gone. She was going to tell him she would wait here. She knew it was tough for him to just be around her. She just wanted to make sure he fed. It would be a little safer for her and probably be easier on him. Dom was slightly amazed at how fast he could move. She never actually met a vampire before and didn’t really know what went along with it. Yet speed had to be one and probably strength. She was really hoping that he has found something for his thirst. He just seemed so weak back in the school; Dominique didn’t want to see him like that again. It hurt her too much and she knew he was hurting too.
Dom swore she caught sight of him but really couldn’t tell. She was only human after all. Letting her eyes adjust she knew she saw him yet again. However in a blink of an eye she was on her back with him on top of her. The only thing she managed to do was let out a slight gasp but that was only because she didn’t expect it. Dominique noticed how this was the hunter Anton. The guy who just tackled her did it because he wanted the blood in her veins. It did leave her quiet shaken up but she did have to prove to him that she wasn’t scared and was going to learn to deal with this. She got up dusted off her pants and walked right over in front of her boyfriend.
“We will both be learning this whole time. You on what you can and cannot handle. And me for what I can and cannot do.” She told him soothingly. Dominique was fine standing right in front of him. He had just eaten and knew he was much better than before. If he dealt with her before he could definitely deal with her now. She reached up and let herself kiss him. Again she was kissing him greedily because she missed being like this with him. He had kissed her before when he didn’t have any blood in him and now he did have some. Even though she knew he really wanted hers just a second ago.
Post by leblanc on Dec 12, 2009 13:01:34 GMT -5
“I don’t think I would be able to catch anything. Not even a squirrel. And I don’t think some bug would do.”
Anton smiled again. Why did he stay away for so long? It truly was his own personal hell, and now that he was back, that feeling melted away, especially being with Dom. "Are you sure that you could even catch a bug? I mean, you don't look like some big bad huntress." He laughed his musical laugh and continued on. Maybe eternity didn't sound like such a bad thing. He knew that Dom would bring up the subject of her being turned into one of him, but he truly did not want to tell her no. If things worked out, like he was so sure they would, they could spend forever together and be perfectly content.
Blood, for Anton, was the magical cure-all. His energy returned with each and every drop, but there was still the nagging in the back of his mind. His body telling him that it wanted, needed more. And now that he had tasted it, that's all his body would let him do. Anton then reached someone that he didn't want to hurt. His teeth were touching her skin, under the jawline, ready to draw blood. But miraculously, he stopped.
“We will both be learning this whole time. You on what you can and cannot handle. And me for what I can and cannot do.”
Anton had never been so ashamed in his life. Here he was, trying so hard to not put her in danger, and then he lost control and almost killed her. He knew that at this new of a vampire, he wouldn't have been able to stop drinking her blood, so then he would really have to live eternity without her. He was at a loss for words. How do you apologize for accidentally almost killing your girlfriend? Then she kissed him and he almost lost it again. He knew that she still loved him, and she was trying to make him feel better, but it wasn't working. The closer she was to him, the more he wanted her blood. He silently turned his back to her in an attempt to make his body do as he wanted it to. All of his muscles were tense, his fake breathing had stopped and his eyes were shut. "I knew this was a bad idea. You should have stayed inside." Anton looked at the ground, at his bare feet. They were just a shade above the color of the snow and it reminded him once again, that he wasn't human. Oh the reminders. He really didn't want to say anything else, and he knew that Dom would have something to say that would make him feel better, hopefully.
Word Count: 483 Tagged: Dom Notes: None Music: None
Post by meme on Dec 12, 2009 15:17:27 GMT -5
It was very true that Dominique wasn’t a hunter. She never had to and the most she ever did was catch fireflies. But eventually she even let those go. Plus she was also in the Hufflepuff house and that was for those kind people, which described Dom pretty well. She had always tried to be the nice, understanding cousin. The one her cousins could come to for help and advice. That was the kind of person she strived to be. Yet with certain events she wasn’t able to become that person. Dom was now someone always practically running for her life from death eaters. And dating a vampire wasn’t her smartest move but fate probably had it in for her somewhere. She was in love with Anton. She wouldn’t deny it and she knew Anton would do everything and anything to make sure she was safe. And Dominique would try and return the favor.
Dominique could very well admit that she thought Anton might not have the strength to pull away when he was so close to her neck. She felt his extra long canines against her skin and for a brief moment she thought that maybe this was how she was going to end. The only other time in her life she was that close to dying was when Lily pronounced the first part of the killing curse. Yet sense was knocked into her young cousin somehow and Dom lived through that one experience. The whole idea of Anton killing her wasn’t a good idea. But what if he had stopped and she was changed? Or if he managed to stop somehow and no harm was done? She could live with that. Also being changed into a vampire sounded like a fine idea. Being with Anton for that long did sound pretty pleasing. Yet could she ask him to do that for her?
At first the cold didn’t bother Dom. It was the last thing on her mind but standing here with Anton and then him feeling bad enough to not kiss her back made everything feel much colder. She pulled her hands into her sleeves and looked up at him. In her head Dominique was trying to find the right words to make him better. It was like they were back at square one. She had actually gotten him to laugh for a little bit and even smile. Now that was gone too. “If I stayed inside we would still be down in that dungeon.” She pointed out to him just trying to get him to see he had to feed. “Anton,” she began but then noticed he was looking away from her. Ashamed probably. “Anton, look at me.” She said again making sure he would listen to her. “Like you said before we can’t change what happened. You will have to get used to drinking blood of animals and I will have to be careful. This doesn’t change how I feel about you at all.” Dom said trying to explain the best she could how she felt about him. “I will wait for you while you hunt but I will not leave you.”